Your personal forecast
of high blood pressure.

Dialik forecasts your risk of high blood pressure and deterioration of well-being.

№ 1 Health Forecast App
The Dialik app saves lives
Free download
The app is free for download.
Dialik has a unique algorithm for analyzing the impact of changes in weather conditions on human health and blood pressure.
We inform about your location-specific risks.
We check weather forecast.
You input your blood pressure data.
Mathematical analysis of influence weather on your health.
You get a personalized health forecast.
How our app works
Who need Dialik app?
If you found yourself at the list - download Dialik app to know how the weather could affect your condition.
Need the best productivity
Your productivity depends on weather condition;
Have high blood pressure
Your blood pressure level affected by the weather fluctuations;
Your well-being changes after the flight to another weather zone.
Do you want to get health tips?
Leave your email to get health tips and news about Dialik.
Our partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to write us.
Our clients love us
Our Team
Oleg Stasuik
Medical expert
Anna Kavinska
UI/UX Expert
Volodymyr Kaban
Technical Expert
Ivan Kavinskyi
Product manager
We have the medical expert, the technical expert and UI/UX designer working side by side!
Experienced software developer, with multilateral experience in programming
UI/UX designer with 2 years of commercial experience working with top design tools.
Cardiologist with almost 20 years of experience. Candidate of Medicine (Ph. D.).
Experienced product manager with medical education
Download Dialik App Now!
Dialik is unique healthcare app that can inform you about your personal risks of high blood pressure and deterioration of well-being for preventing crisis conditions due to high blood pressure.
Our contacts
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.
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